Thank you for visiting. Please remember that all photos on this site are ©2002-2006 by Steve Sowell. Please do not reuse them without permission. |
March 31, 2006 | Here are six photos of Becky from the Dance. |
March 30, 2006 | More photos from Metro Beach. Friday I chaperone Becky's school dance, so hopefully I'll have something different to show you! |
March 29, 2006 | Miscellaneous: A photo of the bed from Monday's test, some photos from Wednesday morning at Metro Beach, and a couple of Joey from Kindergarten Career Day. |
March 25, 2006 | I spent Sunday afternoon at Metro Beach and the DNR access point at the end of South River Road. First is a page of photographs of nothing but birds. The spring migration has begun. The second page is "everything else." |
March 23, 2006 | Photos from the 2006 St. Mary Spring Concert. The first page is of the concert; the second page consists solely of photos of the 8th grade. |
March 19, 2006 | Spent the night at the hospital (sleep test--ok); since I was up at 6:00 a.m. anyway I went to Metro Beach and shot the ducks, geese, a very photogenic robin, and swans. |
March 17, 2006 | Happy St. Patrick's Day. No leprechauns to show you today, just some birds from Metro Beach. Also one of Joey I took Tuesday when I picked him up. Here are the photos. |
March 11, 2006 | Again, a couple of things: First, Tom and I went to Games Day at De La Salle in the morning Saturday. Continental breakfast, lots of games, and a Texas Hold'em tournament. Unfortunately, I had the exposure compensation set for 2 stops overexposed for part of the morning, so a lot of photos turned out poorly. Second, in the morning Ben went to act as a greeter before Mass at St. Peter church (2 photos), then Tom, Ben, and I went to Blessed Sacrament Cathedral for the Archdiocese's annual Scout Mass. Ben earned his Parvuli Dei medal and Tom his Ad Altare Dei medal this past year. Unfortunately, the Archdiocese got Tom's name spelled wrong, and left Ben out entirely (hence, no photo of Ben with the priest). Here are photos of both my boys and photos of some other boys in either the pack or the troop who got awards. Also, our scoutmaster earned the St. George medal. |
March 10, 2006 | A couple of things from today. First, I went out to the DNR access point at the end of South River Road and walked to the end of the pointe. A very accomodating gull, a cardinal, and a red-winged blackbird. I know they're common birds, but we work with what is put in front of us. I also drove by Metro Beach, where there were literally thousands of ducks at the swimming area. Second, I took Becky, Ben, and Joey to St. Mary's Skate night. Unfortunately, none of them skate well, so I was obliged to shoot friends' kids to get some action shots. |
March 9, 2006 | Daily photos have resumed, and have been supplemented through today's date. |
March 6, 2006 | Photos from the Pinewood Derby. |
March 4, 2006 | First, a couple of pictures of Ben and his Pinewood Derby Car (race is tomorrow) at Weigh-in, and pictures of Becky's birthday celebrations. Yes, plural; she had friends over Friday night for a sleepover, then another cake and presents with just the family Saturday night. Then, I went out to Metro Beach again and shot photos of the birds. I know the daily image has not been updated since 2/28; I have had space issues with my hard drive and am now dealing with two iPhoto libraries, one of which is only at the office. I hope to post new dailies shortly. |
February 26, 2006 | Today was Scout Sunday at St. Peter Church, with the Blue & Gold Banquet afterward. Here are two pages of photos. |
February 25, 2006 | I went out to Metro Beach thinking I would capture the sunset, but I stopped by the Marsh first on a whim. Wow! the marsh had open water, high winds, and lots of birds. I had a fair degree of success capturing some swans and canada geese. Then I drove over to the day sail area to see what the wind was doing to the ice. I hope you enjoy the photos. |
February 23, 2006 | After dropping the kids off at school, I had some time to kill before going to my Doctor's appointment, so I took a leisurely drive up Jefferson and stopped at a county park I hadn't been to before. Here are photos. |
February 22, 2006 | I drove to Lansing today to file my first Application for Leave to Appeal in the Michigan Supreme Court. After filing, I took out my camera and shot a few photos of the building--very impressive. I bought Josh lunch before heading back to the office. |
February 19, 2006 | Joshua came home for the weekend; expensive weekend for dad, between the clothes and the necessity to replace his (broken) cell phone. Didn't get out to shoot like I would have liked, so here are four rather random photos from the weekend. I was shooting with a new lens purchased with Christmas money (thanks, Dad!)--a Tamron 18-200mm digital zoom. Haven't shot enough frames yet to tell if I like it. |
February 13, 2006 | Tom's troop went to REI to climb the rock. I took Ben and Joe along. Ben and Joe tried to climb (Ben actually got to the top and rung the bell, twice) but Tom did not want to try. Here are photos of the boys (and some of the adults) climbing. While there, Tom got some badly needed polypro long johns and Dad got some hiking socks. |
February 12, 2006 | Chris was in charge of the Cub Scout Bake Sale Sunday morning after all masses. I am pleased to say that the sale brought in $700 badly needed dollars for the Pack. After the 10:00 a.m. mass, Ben and I went out to Metro Beach, where Ben wanted to go to the Nature Center. Here are photos. I went back to Metro Beach about 3:30 p.m. until sunset. Lots of Swans moving around in wedges. Dramatic clouds, and a beautiful sunset. Here are photos. |
February 11, 2006 | Just three photos. One of Ben at his Den meeting Thursday night. Cub scouts were in the basement; girl scouts were upstairs at the DeMaria home. Then I photographed Chris' flowers in my light box. |
February 9, 2006 | Another morning at Metro Beach. Not windy, but cold enough my cheeks were going numb after about 15 minutes facing into the slight breeze. Also, one of Tom at scouts Tuesday and one of Joe and Ben in Ben's room watching a movie. |
February 6, 2006 | I went to Metro Beach this morning after dropping off the kids at St. Mary School; been a long time since we had sunshine in the morning. Very windy and cold (high today supposed to be 32). Here are the photos. |
February 5, 2006 | Tom's Troop had Scout Sunday Mass at St. Thecla Church at noon today. Tom, Jared, John, and Andy received their Ad Altare Dei medals at the end of mass. Here are photos. |
February 4, 2006 | I wanted to see the Gratitude Steel Band, a steel drum band which was playing (for free) at the Mount Clemens Public Library. I had to practically drag Ben and Joe along, but I think they enjoyed it. If nothing else, they served punch and cookies afterward. Also, one shot of Chris baking; she spent all day Saturday preparing goodies for the Cub Scout Bake Sale next week. She is soooo talented about decorating/packaging/arranging. Chris' Auntie Gertrude is moving to New Mexico to be close to (one of) her sons, so Rick and Mary had a "bon voyage" party for her. WAAAAY better than any Super Bowl party. |
January 30, 2006 | The January Pack meeting. Lots of boys absent and those that were there were subdued; must be the flu season. Despite having only two boys present, our Pack managed to bring home third place overall in the Hockey Puck Shoot at Winter Fun Day (thanks to averaging!). There is a photo of Ben and Alex hanging a ribbon on the flag. |
January 29, 2006 | This afternoon was the Daddy-Daughter Dance. I took Becky and we sat with her friend Mercedes and Mercedes' father Chris and sister Carmen. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Becky took the Polaroid camera I got for Christmas and blew through nearly three packs of film. Here are my photos. |
January 28, 2006 | This morning was Winter Fun Day. Sadly disorganized on the District Side, and poor turnout on the Pack side, but Alex, Lindsay, Ben, Bill, and I had a good time. |
January 21, 2006 | Saturday morning, Chris and I went to a seminar on "Protecting God's Children," a requirement next year to volunteer with children in parish and school. It teaches how to recognize and prevent child sexual abuse. In the evening, I took the kids to the Macomb YMCA, which the Pack had rented for the evening. Here are photos from the game room (I did not take my camera into the pool area). |
January 19, 2006 | Absolutely beautiful sunrise this morning, but I missed most of it from a photographic point of view because I was driving Tom and John S. to school. I did drive by Metro Beach and snapped a few photos before heading into work, but I missed the purples and deep oranges. Got to get up early to catch the light. |
January 15, 2006 | Kind of a mixed bag today. First, a shot of Tootsie. Next, I built a light box and tried it out with a bowl and saucer and some flattened marbles Chris had. Finally, I went out to Metro Beach today and took a few photos. |
January 12, 2006 | Unseasonably warm this week; high's in the 50's today when the highs are usually in the 20's. I went to Metro Beach at lunch today. No ice shanties; open water on Lake St. Clair and even in the Marsh. I didn't have my telephoto lens, so no closeups of waterfowl today (there were terns, wood ducks, marsh ducks, and swans) but some landscape shots of the Marsh. |
January 8, 2006 | Seems forever since I posted anything (other than the Daily images; do you look at them?), but I have some today. First, we celebrated Josh's birthday early since he went back to college this weekend. Second, I walked around campus after dropping him off and tried to take a few photos since I haven't had camera in hand in awhile--busy week back at work. |