
Thank you for visiting. Please remember that all photos on this site are ©2002-2006 by Steve Sowell. Please do not reuse them without permission.

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December 30, 2005 [Sigh] A long day of driving back toward Michigan. The Parthenon's art museum was closed when we passed through Nashville a week ago, so we stopped again so that we could get a picture of Tom with the statue of Athena.
December 29, 2005 Eighth day of vacation. Again, knocking around Hot Springs. We drove out to Boxers Crystals for some "Arkansas diamonds" (quartz crystals, slag glass) and went by the Blakely Mountain Dam spillway. Afterward, we ate at Bubbalu's Bodacious Burgers. Josh and Tom elected to stay at the hotel while Chris and the three younger ones went to the Arkansas Alligator Farm and Petting Zoo and the Mountain Valley Spring Water store, then a drive up Hot Springs Mountain and through Gulpha Gorge. Here are the photos from the day.
December 28, 2005 Seventh day of vacation, hanging around Hot Springs. First, the Mid-America Science Museum. Then lunch at La Hacienda, then to the Hot Springs Mountain Tower. Afterward, Josh and I went to West Mountain and shot evening and night-time photographs. I hope you enjoy the photos.
December 27, 2005 Sixth day of vacation. Actually a few photos from the William J. Clinton Presidential Library and a few from the Little Rock River Front from the fifth day of vacation first, because I did not have an internet connection last night. At any rate, this morning we left our hotel in Little Rock and traveled to Hot Springs, where we walked up and down Central Avenue, touring the Fordyce Bath House and the Josephine Tussaud Wax Museum (among other things). Dinner at Red Lobster with Mom and Dad, then to Garvan Woodland Gardens for their light show.
December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas! Fourth day of vacation. We went to Christ the King church for Christmas Mass, then to my parents' condo for Christmas. My Dad asked me to take photos of the family members. More formal portraits, grouped by generation. I think they turned out well.

The older I get, the more I realize that it is the relationships with people that are important to me; not things, not my job, not my clothes, car, home, paycheck, or any of the other things by which we measure our lives. The measurement should be the number and quality of the relationships we maintain with family and friends. God bless you Mother, Dad, Aunt Laverne, Glenda, Ron, Aunt Julianne, and Myra. It was good to see you. I wish it were more often.

December 24, 2005 Third day of vacation. We drove from West Memphis to Little Rock, had lunch at Fu Lin's. Then to the Arkansas Repertory Theatre to see Beauty and the Beast. Afterward, to Nana and Gramp's house for dinner. No cameras allowed at the Theatre (but a GREAT production), so the photos are from Nana and Gramp's.
December 23, 2005

Second day of vacation. Got up to a beautiful sunrise in Shelbyville, drove to Nashville to see the Parthenon (Tom's request). Afterward, we had lunch with my friend Marcel, from college, and his wife. Then we drove to Jackson, TN, and saw Mike Rowand, whom I have not seen since my wedding (he was one of the groomsmen). Despite taking my camera with me to see both Marcel and Mike, I was so excited both times to see my friends that I forgot to take their photo. Thus, today's photos are from the Parthenon.

And, some fun in the pool at the hotel.

December 22, 2005 First day of vacation. Our first stop was at the Newport Aquarium. The photos also include one from Joey's birthday last night.. Tonight, we had dinner with John's family and Mike's family at Claudia Sanders' restaurant. The cameras were flashing like crazy! I am posting from the Best Western in Shelbyville, KY.
December 16, 2005 My office mates and I went to Dimitri's Rendevous for our annual Christmas Luncheon. Excellent food, great fellowship. Here is your opportunity to see the people I work with (except Mike, who is out with a broken rib, and Carla who is suffering a bout of MS).
December 14, 2005 Photos from the St. Mary Kindergarten Play. The play was held in the main campus gym, which has sodium vapor lights. They give off a very yellow light and, even though I was using flash and set the white balance to flash, some of the photos still have a decidedly yellow cast to them. One of these days I'll learn color correction in Photoshop Elements....
December 12, 2005

Ben's Pack meeting was last night, with a visit from Santa Claus. This year, I didn't try to fight the flow, but just camped in front of Santa and took photos of the kids.

I was using my speedlite rather than the onboard flash. After the first few photos, I started aiming the flash toward the ceiling rather than at Santa and the kids and got what I thought was a much more natural looking photograph. Compare for yourself.

December 10, 2005 Tom's Boy Scout troop went to Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum for a day outing. I took Tom and Benny (along with a dozen other boys). Marvins has all sorts of vending and arcade machines, from horror scene machines from the late 1800s to Dance Dance Revolution machines. Here are 9 photos from the outing.
December 5, 2005

Just three images; slow week, photgraphically speaking. First, Chris picks up pierogis at De La Salle annual craft sale. Second, some kids playing on the ice at the day sail area of Metro Beach. I was just waiting for one of them to break through the ice; it was not thick enough, in my opinion, to be walking on. Finally, a photo of Becky putting the finishing touches on a gingerbread house.

The desire to take photos is there, but the opportunity is not. It is still dark when I take the kids to school, and it is dark when I leave the office. While I have a flash, there's not much point in going to Metro Beach and shooting in the dark. I could set up a backdrop at home and shoot some portraits (using the kids as unwilling subjects), but I do not have a lighting setup and don't really want to purchase one because I don't anticipate doing much portrait work (hey, it's a hobby. If it were a profession, purchasing a lighting setup might make sense, but I'm really in it for the candids of the family and possibly some fine art photos). I may try some night photography downtown this week.

November 28, 2005 The November pack meeting featured the cake bake. Each scout was to bake a cake with his dad, mom, or other assistant and bring them to the pack meeting. The theme was "tree related" because the month's theme was "your family tree." Ben and I made a Christmas Tree. Here are the photos.
November 26, 2005

I am embarrassed to say that I did not take a single photo Thanksgiving day. Chris and the kids and I were soooo busy in the morning getting the food ready (which was delicious) that I never thought to get the camera ready. It wasn't until everyone left that I realized I had not picked up the camera. Serious lapse.

On the other hand, Becky and I went to the Mount Clemens Santa Claus Parade (third year in a row). Several of the photos turned out pretty well, although many more were blurred because I wasn't using a fast enough shutter speed.

This morning, I got up before sunrise (which was at 7:33 a.m. here) and went to Metro Beach. I was surprised to see ice on the lake and the marsh was iced over, so I had to walk out to the point to get any bird photos. Very cloudy and gloomy, so difficult to get a fast enough shutterspeed to get decent photos.

November 20, 2005 I was going to get up before sunrise yesterday and go to Metro Beach and shoot some photos, but I just couldn't get out of bed. But this morning, I made up and got to Metro Beach just after sunrise. Very few things out and moving but the birds, so enjoy some bird photos. Also, I captured a nice sequence of a goose coming in for a landing.
November 19, 2005 Our friends set up a tour of the Clinton Township Police Station for their son Emilio and invited Joey (and me) along. Great tour! I haven't been through a police station since my own Cub Scout days when I toured the Little Rock police station. The state of the art has changed considerably. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed the tour.
November 15, 2005 At the Troop meeting, the boys played a game. Not sure what it was called, but they had a hat in the middle of the room (it was raining). The boys were divided into two teams, and each boy on each team was given a number. The leader called out a number and the boys from each team with that number ran to the hat and tried to get it back to their side without being tagged. If they were tagged, the hat was placed at the spot where they were tagged. If they got back to their side without being tagged, their team got a point. Here are three photos from the game.
November 13, 2005 A real mixed bag for you today. First, Tom went on a campout with the Boy Scouts this weekend. As he took a three-pound bag of M&M's with him (leftovers from the Card Party), he was popular, to say the least. Saturday morning, Benny's Pack went Scouting for Food; afterward, I took him to Big Boy for a shake and fries. Woody Woodpecker visited our bird feeder briefly. On Sunday, I took Becky, Benny, and Joey out to Stony Creek Metropark for a nature hike (crab apples, a late caterpillar and a harlequin bug) and afterward to the Wilson School to play on the playground.
November 10, 2005 The St. Mary School Card Party was an elegant success. Box lunches from Honeybaked Ham, assorted comestibles, fun, and over 50 prizes raffled off.
November 7, 2005 I took Chris to the opthalmologist Monday afternoon and we finished up about 4:00; too late to go back to work, so I dashed out to Metro Beach to see what I could shoot. Many photos of the birds, then an awesome sunset. Wished I gotten there even half an hour earlier....
November 6, 2005 Pack 71 planted a tree at the Mount Clemens Arboretum Sunday afternoon. This is one of the requirements for the boys to earn the World Conservation Award. Here are the photos.
October 30, 2005 I went out to Stony Creek Metropark on Sunday (alone; no one else wanted to go). Got some nice photos of nice fall color, migrating birds, saiboarders. Tonight is Hallowe'en and I'll take the two (possibly three) youngest around for trick-or-treat. Tomorrow is All Saint's Day, a holy day of obligation.
October 25, 2005

Busy night! First, Rick invited me to his daugther Maria's last high school swim meet (she's a senior). L'anse Creuse happened to be competing with Stephenson, where another niece Janet (Len and Mary's daughter) goes to school, so it was the battle of the nieces (not really, since they did not swim in any of the same events). Rick tells me that Oakland University is trying to recruit Maria for their swim team.

After, I took Tom to Laser Edge to play laser tag with other boys from the troop. Can't call it a troop outing because BSA National's policy forbids scouts from engaging in any activities where one scout shoots at another. Hence the absence of uniforms. I got Tom there late because I stayed overlong at the swim meet to be able to shoot photos of Janet in action, and he missed the first game (of three). Sorry, Tom!

Note that the Laser Edge shots were, as opposed to the Hallowe'en shots from Monday night, shot with a fixed flash sync speed of 1/200. This was necessary because the Laser Edge is so dark, the shutter speed even at the largest aperture would have been 4 seconds: too long to handhold. This is why the background on the shots taken at Laser Edge are so much darker than they were at the pack meeting.

October 24, 2005

Pack 71's October Meeting--the Hallowe'en party (pardon my archaic spelling of the word, but I've always preferred it). Lots of great costumes. Three pages of pictures, for a total of 43. For my family, here is a page of just photos of Tom and Ben. Ben is a Pikachu (Pokemon). Tom is a member of the SWAT team (as in swatting bugs, which is what he is holding).

Unlike the Coolpix 5700 or the Powershot A75, which both require the operator to choose slow sync (night mode) with flash, the Rebel XT continues to set the shutter speed when in aperture priority mode with flash unless the operator chooses fixed flash sync speed of 1/200 as a custom function. The blurriness you see in the photos from the Pack meeting is from using aperture priority mode, which in most cases resulted in a shutter speed of 1/30 or 1/15 second with flash, meaning camera movement or subject movement results in some blur. In some cases, I think it adds to the effect (especially in Hallowe'en photos); in others, it is a distraction. On the other hand, fixing the sync speed at 1/200 results in a dark background, and I prefer a lighter background; makes the pictures look more natural, or at least makes the flash less obvious. Note to Canon: in the next iteration, make it possible to chose different fixed shutter speeds as a custom function.

I would have to say that I am VERY satisfied with the flash photography of the Rebel XT (this pack meeting was my first true test of the Canon EX 430 speedlight). I was never completely satisfied with flash results using the Coolpix 5700, feeling that most flash photos were overexposed (white faces without much detail). Reducing flash compensation by 1/3 on the 5700 helped some, but then resulted in slightly dark backgrounds. The E-TTL II metering system on the Rebel XT does a much better job in my opinion.

October 23, 2005 After church and lunch, we drove out to Seven Ponds Nature Center for a walk through the swamp and the woods. It threatened to rain all afternoon, but the rain didn't actually start until we were driving home. It did result in some rather dramatic skies in some of the photos.