Science Olympiad Observations

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Tom was shy about having his picture taken.


I liked the combination of lines and shapes.


Josh and Tom at dinner.


Tom and I stayed at the Marriott a block from campus.


Coldstone ice cream after dinner.


Tom may be shy, but Josh never has been.


Note the photo of this rock further down the page. Both photos were taken the same day.



An MSU student meditating.


Some ducks along the Red Cedar river, which runs through campus.


Some anti-Coca-Cola propagaanda was posted around campus.


Due to tight scheduling and events in different buildings, Tom and I did not get to "the Wright Stuff" in time to see DLS's team compete, but I thought you might want to see what one of the planes looked like.


This was at the scrambler. I asked the supervisor of the event if I could shoot the tape measure (this was before competition began. He looked at me like I was crazy, but let me do it.


Another team releasing their plane. This one spiraled into a light fixture, but some of the planes remained in the air for over a minute.


All sorts of message (political, commercial, philosophical, nonsensical) are written on the sidewalks.



The MSU marching band was practicing, so I hung around for awhile. Here are the two best shots.



The ducks were flying up because of an approaching kayak, but this was the last shot before I ran out of space on the card, so I didn't get the shot of the kayaker shooting the rapids.


If anyone knows the name of this bush, let me know because I'd like one. It has thorns, if that helps.



Josh says this stone has a new paint job almost every day. Compare with the photo above.


I'm sure he was just resting....



Hey, I may have blisters on my feet, but at least I didn't need a nap!


The blaze seemed so incongrous in this pastoral scene. It must have been normal, because we never heard sirens.
